
I’m thinking about giving a full tube setup a go and Primaluna in particular.  Looking to hear people’s experiences with Primaluna in general. My main draw to them outside of tubes is there auto bias and protective features.  Wondering if people generally replace a single bad tube or if people are replacing all tubes of that type when there’s a failure.  Also would be interested if there were any other companies with at least a similar protective feature. The auto bias sounds great but the protective features are a bigger deal to me.  


Showing 4 responses by sns

PL is very nice. Good build quality, I've been in the innards doing my own mods to bring older model up to newest specs. Point to point wiring (exception of auto bias board), nice lay out, nice solder work, nice parts quality, really don't know how much more you can ask for. Add good service from Upscale techs, good sound quality, what's not to like.


The concurrent thread comparing Raven to PL, Raven not in same league, really need to compare to much higher quality competition. I didn't feel deprived when listening to my Dialogue Four (with my upgrades) vs. three of my SET amps in $6-13K price range.

I had PL Dialogue Four diy modded/upgraded to latest spec with Takman carbon film, I also added MIflex coupling caps, ran with SED (1990's era, cryo'd) EL34 and NOS drivers. This in concurrent  comparison to Coincident 845SET, custom built 300B monoblocks. And I've had plenty of nice push pull and SET previously. The PL, while not up to the far higher price SET's in my setup, didn't make me feel deprived in the least, I could have very satisfying longer listening sessions with PL.


PL is one of those good value components, within its price range one of the best. One would have to get really high end system for PL to be weak link. Could be end game solution, not a bad place to end for reasonable audiophile. Its all marginal gains past this point, law of diminishing returns kicks in.

Anyone calling PL mediocre and worse simply doesn't know what they're talking about. I've owned Audio Research, Cary, Coincident, Art Audio, custom built, Bob Latino Dynaco, Wright Sound, Joule Electra. PL build quality just fine, and so is sq.

Mozartfan always coming to these overarching conclusions. We're not even talking about DHT here, pretty soon this thread will be argument about who knows what?


By the way, that Opera review not too complimentary, but someone claims its far superior to PL. Why can't people withhold with all the hyperbole!


I've owned any number of far more expensive SET amps vs. PL, they don't relegate PL to trash. Excessive pride of ownership and choices one makes leads to ridiculous statements, keep the hubris in check!