PrimaLuna Prologue Premium vs Luxman SQ-N10 ?

It might be a slim chance but I have to ask - has anyone ever compared the PrimaLuna Prologue Premium integrated amplifier against the Luxman SQ-N10 integrated (SQ-N100)? I have the SQ-N10 and am having the PrimaLuna shipped out to test. I decided to give it a shot as I feel like the Luxman might have a slightly higher musical center than I want, and it might just be because it’s 10wpc (though I have done extensive tube rolling and am very happy with it in general). Hoping the 35wpc in the PrimaLuna (among other things) will take me where I want to be.

Anyone have opinions?

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Showing 1 response by aberyclark

Dweller, I'm planning on purchasing a PL amp from UA in the next month or two. Please update us how the service with PL warranty and with UA. If they give you are hard tome, I'll move on to something else
