Primaluna or not Primaluna


I have been hesitated some time now between buying new speakers or a new amplifier and have decided I will buy a new amplifier.

My list of demands:
It will take EL34, KT77, KT88 and 6550. Bonus if it takes KT120.
It will give at least 35 w with EL34 and 45 w with KT88.
It will have easy biasing using a screwdriver and with somekind of build in meter. In worst case autobiase will do.
It will use tube rectification and not solid state rectification (because I have heard solid state rectification takes away the tube sound).
It will not cost more than aprox $4000.

I have had a Line Magnetic LM-34IA once but had to much problems with the quality (bad solderings and bad balance between left and right).
First I thought it sounded quite good, but after have heard a Audion Audio Stirling EL34 SET amplifier I changed my mind. Now the LM-34AI sounded just OK.
I was told that Stirling EL34, with 12 w should be enough for listening at normal volumes with my 89dB speakers. But it was not. So here I am…
(And yes I know; a push-pull amp will never sound as a SET amp).

I have read about several amplifiers but none of them seems to fit my demands.

Here are my notes:
Line Magnetic LM-88IA   -   Just KT88. Bad experience with LM, both quality and sound.
Audio Research I/50   -   Just 6550 tubes. Too much hassle when adjusting bias.
Rogue Cronus Magnum III   -   Very mixed opinions. Solid state rectification.
Raven Blackhawk Mk 3.1   -   Just 6L6 tubes. Have to be imported from the US.
Tsakiridis Aelos Plus   -  Just KT88 tubes.
Fezz Silver Luna Prestige   -   Just EL34 tubes.
Fezz Titania   -   Just KT120 tubes (and maybe KT150 and KT170 too).
Cary SLI-80HS   -   Many bad opinions. Solid state rectification.
Jadis   -   Either too weak or too expencive.
Primaluna   -   ???

What makes me a little ”worried” is that Primaluna has so many build in features which are supposed to make my life as a tube amplifier owner easier.
I mean, doesn’t these fetures affect the sound? ”Less is more”?


If you have any thoughts or experience about this, please let me know.


Showing 1 response by napoleoninrags16

Tube/valve amps vary so much depending on what they're driving, particularly the SET variety. It is a challenge to get adequate driving power esp for rock from SETs (except perhaps exotic megabuck varieties). I think compromise is always involved - liquidity, transparency, holography and warmth of SET vs punch +/- volume of push-pull. interestingly while I love the SET sound for hifi listening, my Mesa guitar amp allows switching from 50w push pull to 5W SET. Even playing at similar volume settings I MUCH prefer playing through the Pushpull setting. Strange that I have loved SET so much in the hifi. I think it might be the holographic stereo soundstage and transparency which is so allluring.

Not sure you should rate ability to tube roll so highly in your priorities as that may limit your options of achieving the sound you're after. At the end of the day you're likely to settle for one of the tube options after some experimentation. 
the compromise I reached was with Audion Black Shadow 845 monoblocks. Pure Sound, Unison Research and other manufacturers also make amps with the 845 valve - might be query looking to see if anyone does an integrated using the 845. Being originally designed for transmission it has more oomph than most other SET designs. Mine drive a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse. 23 foot x 13 ft room. Volume levels not a problem. The only thing I've trialled in my system which I was tempted by was a pair of JE Audio push pull monoblock. It traded just a small amount of the SET magic for more punch on bass drum, snare etc. 
Best wishes for your search.