Primaluna EVO300 vs EVO400

I was about to pull the trigger on a Primaluna EVO400 preamp but after reading a comment from someone in stereophile, I am not contemplating if I should just get an EVO300 (Distance between preamp and amp is 2meters max).
Anyway, please read the user comment below as I'd want to know if what he said is really accurate. It also appears that the EVO400 is not a truly balanced differential amp and only uses a transformer (which as per comment, degrades the audio quality) - see comment below

Question: Which should i get?
a) Primaluna EVO 400 preamp
b) Primaluna EVO 300 preamp


As a classical music addict & a DIY audio designer/builder, my last thing to do is to use transformers in the music signal paths in my amps.

Why? Transformer is itself a non-linear device due to its non-linear magnetic characteristics. It rolls off both the low & high ends of the audio frequency bandwidth. It slows down the music: phase distortion, & distorts the audio signal with overloaded due to magnetic saturation.

It is noticeable when placed at the signal path front ends, e.g. input & output terminals of the preamp after magnification, e.g. balanced input/output termination with XLR connectors.

We have to know balanced signal transmission is a standard technical practical practice for recording studios, & outdoor/indoor sound performances where miles & miles long audio interconnects are used to connect the equipment. Balanced transmission using XLR connection is to eliminate noises induced into the signal transmission paths - noise-free signal throughout.

But, but for home audios where long long run of audio signal cables does not exist, any balanced signal transmission using XLR connection therin is therefore redundant & overKILLING !!!!
As explained above, using transformers to provide balanced input/output termination only compromises the music quality due to the downside of any transformers besides spending extra big bucks to install such redundant devices.
So why BALANCED input/output termination using transformers for home audios ???????? Just to make it commercially more appealing & sellable ?

There have also been solid state examples of pseudo-balanced designs that introduce unnecessary circuitry to accomplish a "balanced" output. Execution is everything.  Sadly, marketability sometimes prevails.  Always good to do your homework!