PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming

Hi all, I wonder if someone can help or advise. I bought an ex. Display Primaluna Evo 200 a couple of weeks ago, mainly based on all the rave reviews and excellent comments on various forums. I must say, that vocals are terrific but overall, the sound seems muffled. There seems to be a hole where the mid range detail should be. I have tried the 4 and 8 ohm settings and there doesn’t seem a great deal of difference. I am using it with a Linn Genki CD player and Robson Acoustics Opulus speakers, also Vintage Tannoy Mercury speakers. I haven’t messed with the tubes because I have no idea how to do that. I so want this amplifier to sound beautiful but there is something missing. Can anyone help please?

Showing 1 response by jbhiller

PL has a warm, pleasant sound. To my ears, it was not too detailed. It is a good amp in my opinion to mate with modern loudspeakers that are detailed, analytical and bright as it balanced those things out nicely. 
But I too found that over time PL was not exactly what I was looking for.  I would, however, recommend trying different power tube variants if you can afford it.