
"It’s important to acknowledge that the thousands of people who insist that the original vinyl release of an analog-era recording often sounded better than did the CD re-issue aren’t wrong.

It’s only their hasty conclusion that this was due to an inherent fault of LPCM that’s mistaken."

Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

Matter of fact the real genius is concerned with concepts, and not the arbitrary combinations of letters some nerd thought up to sound smarter than he is. 

Now that we have our word salad definitions we can run the OP through our symbolic analyzer. The first step in symbolic logic is to eliminate all the flowery phrases. So we cross out "It's important to acknowledge that the" because this is superfluous wordage. It exists only to confuse and distract those easily confused and distracted. Likewise, "thousands insist", "often", etc. Rhetorical flourishes, nothing more.  

The first sentence ends with the double-negative, "aren't wrong." That means right. Aren't wrong means right. Got it?

So do all this and now the first sentence reduces to, "Original analog era vinyl sounds better than CD."

Well, duh!

But seriously, this is what we call the proposition. The writer in this case is attempting to disprove the proposition. Let us now examine his argument. That is, how he will make his case for this fabulous claim! 

It’s only their hasty conclusion that this was due to an inherent fault of LPCM that’s mistaken."

Wait- what? That's it? For a minute there I thought LPCM was some magic phrase. But now thanks to mastering92 we know LPCM is just another word for CD! Not the tangible silvery hold in your hand CD, but the deeper process behind the item. LPCM is CD. 

Basically the OP is saying records sound better than CD, but not because it's CD. Talk about falling flat on your face!

And that my friends is the difference between a genuine genius and your garden variety loser wanna-bee word salad genius poser.
"It’s important to acknowledge that the thousands of people who insist that the original vinyl release of an analog-era recording often sounded better than did the CD re-issue aren’t wrong.

It’s only their hasty conclusion that this was due to an inherent fault of LPCM that’s mistaken."

Yeah, that was hasty of me to come to that conclusion. Just one question: wtf is LPCM?
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