Preferences for which Integrated Amp?

I am having a difficult time choosing between a Lavardin is Reference and a Ayre AX-7e. Can anyone shed some light on them? Also any other suggestions in that price range. Also think about possible dip into separates with First Watt J2 or F3 and a preamp (passive?).

I have both high and low efficiency speakers.


Showing 2 responses by zd542

"Also think about possible dip into separates with First Watt J2 or F3 and a preamp (passive?)"

The Ayre is setup like that. That's why it sounds so good for the money.
I forgot to mention that the Ayre is clean enough to use on very efficient speakers. The only thing you need to be careful of is your source because of its passive ls. If you use it with a source like and CX-7 (or something similar), you will be OK.