Predicting the AGon economy?

What are your thoughts on how the high-end audio market will fare given the current state of the economy?

We're not exactly your typical demographic when it comes to being hit by a recession. I know people who would sell their bed before downgrading their rig. On the other hand, most sales on this site (ostensibly) are the result of upgrading which is probably reduced at this point. So with both supply and demand going down, I haven't really seen very many price fluctuations.

I'm no expert on economics, but it seems that even this market should have an optimal time to buy. Anyone have any thoughts on this? I haven't been able to figure this one out.
I recently put up a few items, all at or near the bottom of the Audiogon price range. Most have sold pretty quickly. Two interesting incidents.
1. I accepted an offer (through the Audiogon system) and got the piece wrapped up to ship off. The fellow gave me his Fedex number to charge. When I emailed him for payment through paypal, he emailed back that his company (Nortel) just declared bankruptcy that day. He wanted to see whather he could back out. I didn't have a back up buyer, so he kept to the deal and paid.
2. I accepted another offer through the Audiogon system. However the buyer has not responded to several emails over the past three days. The problem is that the Audiogon system automatically marks the item as SOLD once the offer is accepted. So right now I am stuck - no replies from the buyer in three days and the item is marked SOLD, so no one else will buy it. Is this part of the new AGon economy/
I think some folks (newbies, mostly) who have stumbled onto this site, or been turned on to it by other members, have their expectations out of proportion… as was said…. Or are simply over valuing their offering (s).

The absence of a sale will be enough to get their attention. If motivated sufficiently, they’ll adjust. If not they’ll continue to reap the benefits of extended ownership of the piece.

Rather than high price tags being asked for, the anomaly which fascinates me most is this one:

“If you are reading this ad you know about this ‘yada yada gizmo, and it’s reputation’”…. Or words to that effect.

Sure do. Absolutely! Of course!

We know about every thing ever made and it’s laudable history. It’s the law!

That has to be the most ignorant, presumptuous and erudite statement of all time. I always wonder if it isn’t the other way around, as so many of those sorts never include any info on it in the ad itself… usually no links to other resources either. Neither do some so much as reply giving more info when requested.

I pass on those with all due haste just on principle.

Second to that lack of disclosure are these sorts:

The apparently “prearranged” sales which show up from time to time, being sold within mere moments of the listing being posted… yet not marked as SOLD and NO response indicating such an event took place.

…and I’m talking about ads which come online in the wee hours I’ve responded to immediately and waited a couple days for replies, only to hear later it was sold within 1 hour or less. Sheees. I sent my offer within ten minutes agreeing to the full price too on a couple occasions.

What’s up with that?

Given my own exp. I’ve asked to be relieved from an offer I made in haste or my circumstances changed unexpectedly. Life does happen, now and then. That’s happened to me twice during my membership here. Both occurances were due to things on my end going south. Another time, it was due to more info continuing to be revealed about the item not previously brought to light at the onset of things.

I always made contact immediately notifying the seller of the instance and my regret. I even offered to provide some renumeration for the inconvenience.

As a seller I’ve had my share of excuses too for reneging… such as “I just got served with divorce papers”, “Being sued for an auto accident that happened 12 years ago and I must be in court in the morning”, “My dog needs an operation”, or “Would you mind if I traded you a ??? and some cash instead?”, and my personal favorite, “just no reply whatsoever following a previous committal.

Remorse isn’t a sin. Changing one’s mind either by circumstance or otherwise is not either. But let’s be frank and Man up about it. Quickly. That’s just plain consideration, and thoughtfulness.

I wait now to see the funds before I mark my ads accordingly.

A friend of mine has a similar situation and was getting no response following a commitment such as yours. Contacting Audiogone resolved it by them providing him more time for the ad to run as again, ‘available’, rather than as SOLD… as it had been so marked. So contact A’gone with your circumstances, and see what they say. They’re usually pretty reasonable, and most often quite responsive.

In the long run though, things always work out. Just not when or how I may have wanted them too.
Good replies so far... Viridian's remark hits closest I think to the model I was trying to theorize. Some of the gear that I've been looking at (VTL, Shindo, Devore among others) has all actually gone up in price since September. Less items + more free time to read excellent reviews = a desire to buy said equipment as soon as it's posted.
Does anyone have any sense of what percentage of gear gets sold during its first listing period? Any idea of whether that percentage is heading up or down over recent months. My own guess would be down.
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