Preamp with two volume controls?


Anyone familiar with a preamp that has 2 volume controls. Currently I use 2 Mcintosh C50 preamps in my system. One is for the 2 MC252 amps and 1 used as a volume control for my 3 SVS subs and an Anthem STR amp. The extreme differences in how bass is recorded in new verses old recordings and the wide range in low frequency mastering in the many styles of music I listen to has led me to look for different ways to rectify these issues. What I am doing works pretty well, but I would love to have a more direct method. Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by jmalen123

A big thanks to tinear123 and everyone else for some great suggestions. The Supratek Cabernet Dual has really sparked my fancy. Sounds like a piece that could do exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks, and enjoy the music.

Thanks for the nugget jeffseight. I did some sleuthing but could not nail anything down in Florida. The search is half the fun, so I will continue on. 

Thank you for all the help and I am looking into all the suggestions with some success. My description may make no sense, but my reasoning is solid for what I want out of my system. My room is very large and I have built a left and right speaker array using Klipsch Heritage speakers. A set of Khorns, LaScalas, and Heresy lll speakers. I have modified the big boys to have the same speakers and crossovers and left the Heresy speakers stock. Hence the 2 Mac 252 amps and the Anther STR for the Heresys. First C50 gets a balanced output from my Marantz SACD11S the second C50 gets the rca output. The subs are sprinkled throughout the room and yes, they do have volume control through their  app, but that is not as helpful as you would think with 3 subs. The gain on the subs are adjusted to integrate with the heresy speakers which are powered by the Anthem. C50 number 2 runs the subs and small speakers. This gives me full control over how much bottom end I am hearing in my room. Once all the phase issues were worked out this experiment really worked out. The preamp I am looking for would have different volume controls not for different channels but for different outputs. Preferably a control for sub output. Once again thanks for everybody's input.