Preamp with Tuner

I was finally able to buy an amplifier (via Audiogon) that I think is worthy of the speakers I picked up on Audiogon a while back. My challenge now is finding a preamp with a built-in tuner. I connected my old integrated Harman Kardon via the preouts to the amp, which was a bad idea as I cannot control the volume. I can't seem to find many preamps with a built in tuner. Folks seem to think I'm crazy to want a tuner, but it's what we do in our house first thing when we wake up, flip the radio on for news/background. The only other feature we utilize is connecting our phones/tablets via blue tooth to stream music that way. 
So far... 
Amp: Emotiva SA-250
Speakers: Silverline Audio Sonatina MkIV

I've been eyeing the Emotiva PT-100, which appears to have everything I'm looking for, but wanted to check with the gurus here about whether there are others I should consider? Like I said, can't seem to find modern preamps with a tuner. 

Thank you! 
If you really only use the tuner to listen to the news, I would strongly suggest that you put your money into getting the best preamp you can, and then get yourself a small profile tuner for FM reception. If you want the best quality audio from the tuner for music, I also suggest that you get a separate tuner and a separate preamp. There are many  if you really only use the tuner to listen to the news, I would strongly suggest that you put your money into getting the best preamp you can, and then get yourself a small profile tuner for FM reception. If you want the best quality audio from the tuner for music, I also suggest that you get a separate tuner and a separate preamp. There are small profile tuners that you can get for not too much money. Worth researching.
What I will say is that a great tuner with a fair antenna is a worse choice than is a fair tuner with a great antenna. I also discovered that some tuners are very sensitive to RF radiation and that LED bulbs can be huge RF polluters. Fortunately, an inexpensive snap on ferrite core will address the RF junk from LED bulbs
@peter_s We listen to music too. We're looking in to separates now as well, thanks.
@stereo5 The are some impressive looking tuners $$!
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Thanks for the input and suggestions. I ended up finding an Outlaw RR2150 locally for a good deal and, so far, it is working perfectly as a preamp.