Preamp Suggestions for hot-rodded Odyssey Khartago?

I am basically ruling out the Candela due to wanting to hear it before the end of the world and though for a while I was dead set on it, I kept watching for anything interesting used that would match well. I would like to go tube to get at least some of the tube staging.

Max budget is $2k but would rather stay under $1500.

Musical taste is mostly reggae, punk, 80's and 90's alt, grunge, etc with a smattering of hip hop, jazz, electronic, musique concrete and metal.

For overall sound I'd like something that would augment Odyssey's already fast and dynamic sound with good bass.


Showing 2 responses by giantsalami

I had the Candella with a couple of Odyssey amps. I swithched to a Modwright Pre( SWL9.0 Anniversary) and preferred it over the Candella.It is in your price range. Good Luck!
To me, the Modwright sounded cleaner with more detail. Bass was about the same. I listen to Rock, prog, lots of German metal, Im a product of the 80's hair bands. Also acoustic and classic rock.I also now have a Modwright amp insted of the Odyssey.