Preamp suggestion

Can anyone can suggest me which amp will drive better with ThresholdT800, Price around 3000, both tube or solid also consider, prefer tube
I just got a Sonic Frontiers Line 1 preamp. This remote controlled tubed unit sounds great with my solid state ARC power amp. Should work fine with your Threshold. George << Can anyone can suggest me which amp will drive better with ThresholdT800, Price around 3000, both tube or solid also consider, prefer tube >> 
Take a look at our website at If you want something that is completely transparent we might have what you need. All of our units are available for a no risk 30 day in home trial! Guy Hammel, Placette Audio
Anthem PRE 1L $1000. or PRE 2L(remote)$1300. Great bang for the buck. Great reviews!Sonic Frontier's entry level audiophile gear.
Anthem PRE 1L $1000. or PRE 2L(remote)$1300. Great bang for the buck. Great reviews!Sonic Frontier's entry level audiophile gear.
check out the C-J PF-R it is a low hype, superb performer.Dynamic,detailed and quiet
Berning TF10 or TF12 is the way to go! The liquidity of the Berning complements the somewhat dry sound of the Treshold. Believe me, this combo is true magic.
This preamp is almost unknown to the outside market but it is indeed a super preamp comparing to preamps costing alot more. But the price is more that you quoted but they only sell direct for the company. The manufacture is BWS by Bruce Wenger the owner. They give you a 35 day money back if you don't like it. It is a four nos tube preamp using the very best parts. AlSo,check out the web page.
i almost hate to say the word - adcom - their 750 pre is a phenom - stereophile class "a" for under $1200 - at least listen to it
if you're looking for warm but detailed sound, open and smooth on top with superb bass control, musical midrange, totally silent background, excellent soundstage and pinpoint imaging, try the Bryston BP-25. You might not need to hassle with tubes at all, unless you enjoy that sort of thing.
Check out the First Sound (Presence Audio) preamp. It is killer! Way over-built for the price. Dick Olsher loved the Deluxe model
on the used market....the Audible Illusions M3A is the only sensible choice!!! $1200-$1400 will give you a killer pre-amp. You won't be disappointed!!
A used CAT signature III is most impressive. It has great resolution and is unbelievable dead black quiet. I have seen some used ones for around $3000. Check Toys from the Attic used list.
I owned threshold amp S/300 for years,worked exceptional with a audio research sp11mark2. A perfect match for around 2000grand> dont be fooled by hype! this preamp is still one great preamp,also with exc.phono stage.