Preamp SS to match class D amp

I have been reading quite a lot and unfortunately I cannot find a post who can guide me into a match between SS pre amp and amp class D. Going through forums people ask advices only on tube pre amp to combine class D amp probably for the fact of the colorations of tube and some sterile class d amp they own. I recently bought some Belcanto ref600m as I got rid of my Mcintosh 8900 who sounded too 80s hifi and I wonder if someone can suggest a good pre amp to link. I would like to have something well build, dual mono if there are still, with balanced input and output. Considering that I listen mainly vinyl, analogic circuit I am thinking. Question as well, is there any preamp with streamer and Dac or these are only digital? As I would like to have a Dac as well to attach and I am wondering if make sense to have another extra gear


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