Preamp Rectifier Tube Confusion

I have a Primaluna Prologue 3 which uses 5AR4 rectifier tubes which id like to roll. I’m looking at ShuGuang WE274B tubes which list as replacements for 5AR4 / 5U4G / 274B. 
However, the Primaluna manual lists compatible tubes as: GZ34, CV1377, 5V4G, 5T4, 5Y3 and Upscale Audio also list the Philips 5R4GYS.

Any idea if the ShuGuang would work?

Showing 1 response by rodman99999

+1, on the Mullard (Blackburn plant) being the most reliable and longest lasting, GZ34/5AR4.         You should most definitely contact Kevin Deal, at Upscale Audio, regarding whether a rectifier change will make an audible improvement, in your Primaluna gear.      He has much experience with the brand.