preamp recommendation for bedroom set amp


I am using a 20 watt art jota set amp in my bedroom system which uses a digital marantz 10N universal player via rca IC and reference 3a episode (efficient 92db) speakers.

while the art jota has volume control I think would get better sound still with a preamplifier. I would also like to have a remote and a headphone jack in the preamp.

can someone recommend a preamp for a set amp ideally with a remote and headphone jack but not required.



Showing 3 responses by karmapolice

I agree that linear tube audio seems like a good idea just did not know if it necessarily mated well with a set amp.....its on my short list ....just seeing if anyone has been down this road testing preamp with set amp.....the art preamp is far too pricey....
I was going to try the linear tube audio when I can find one secondhand as it would provide me a preamp and a headphone amp and a remote for volume.

I am not in a rush where I am gonna buy it new.....
my amp has volume control but seems many believe that amp is better still not receiving source digital system direct so want to try a preamp between the marantz digital player and the amp (ideally tube (dont want to lose set amp sound signature) with remote and headphone jack))