Preamp for Rogue Stereo 100 amplifier

Hi, I am considering getting a Rogue Stereo 100 power amp to drive my Tannoy Prestige speakers. I have heard the amp and really liked the way it "tried" to disappear. For a tube amp, it did not show any signs of sluggishness or tubey processing of sound. But tonally it had a more humane character than solid states so it was impressive overall. However the system I heard it was a very different one than what I have at home. The speaker brand was Audes. It uses smaller 5" drivers for mids and ribbon tweeters (unlike Tannoys). The rest of the chain was also kind of unknown but pretty neutral from what I could gather. The preamp was an EMT JPA66 Mk2. Very high end stuff, which I wont be buying.

So what kind of preamps would suit the tonality of Rogue ST-100 ? Neutral, a bit warm or..? Rogue's own preamp is an option but they are not as well reputed as the power amps so I am considering other options too. Budget, $3-4k new/used

Showing 1 response by verdantaudio

What features do you need?  Phono stage?  I have a couple options for you.  

To start, I have heard the Rogue RP5 and it is a good sounding preamp and in the beefy part of your price range.  Don't discount it because it hasn't made a list.  The reality is that your price range is tough for new gear.  The really amazing units are in the $4-$6K range.  

I have four units that could be of interest to you.  

A bit above your budget but the Art Audio Conductor Simply 2 is brilliant.  I am the importer and have paired it with another Rogue Amp I owned for years and they pair really well together.  It is $5500 but I can flex, especially if you have an item you can trade in or don't need a remote. 

The Musical Fidelity M8 was just reintroduced and it is a giant killer.  At $4999, it is a SS masterpiece.  

The Musical Fidelity M6 is a stupidly good value and at $1999 is below your budget and IMO, will rival the RP5 in terms of sound quality.  

Musical Fidelity is just a great value due to it being made in Taiwan.  Way better equipment than the price would indicate.  And the units are built like tanks.  

For my 3 new items I offer free shipping and a 30 Day No Questions Asked return policy.  

I am also going to be listing a used PS Audio BHK with the stock tubes and two pairs of Tunsgrams.  The Art Audio is a slightly nicer sounding unit IMO but I can't get down to $4K.  The BHK with tubes should be $4K.  No returns on used gear.