If you like the Aesthetix, y9u might consider trading it in on a Janus. Or if you can stretch a bit, go for a Rhea? With the right tubes, the Rhea is very synergistic with the Calypso.
Preamp combination question
I have a Michell Gyro SE tt with clearaudio virtuoso MM cartridge, Graham Slee Era Gold V phono pre, Aesthetix Calypso line stage. I would like to try some MC cartridges so I need additional preamplification. The options are (1)add a stepup transformer, budget about $300 used,(2) replace Graham Slee with a phono preamp that can accomodate both MM and MC cartridges budget about $1,200 used or (3)replace all with a full function preamp with internal MM and MC phono capability budget about $3800 used. I would appreciate your opinions on the best combination of components and what make and model you recommend.
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