Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research

If anyone has heard both the Audio Research Reference 6 and the Ayre KX-R Twenty preamp, please describe the differences in their sound.

I recently settled on a D'Agostino Momentum S-250 amplifier. I compared it to a pair of Ayre MX-R Twenties, and my report can be found on a thread called D'Agostino vs Ayre. 

Unfortunately, the Momentum preamp does not offer a line out option, and I want that for headphone amp operation. So, I am considering the AR or Ayre preamp options. Thoughts?

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The only answer is that you have to listen for yourself to hear if that particular sound works for you.  Ayre and AR are my two favorites.  I chose Ayre (all my electronics are Ayre), but that's me....  I like the Guarneri over the Strad.....would be happy with either.
Personally, I like to buy the amp and preamp from the same manufacturer....the attributes are present/flaws are diminished.  Getting different designers' take on their units  is a crap shoot putting them together.