Preamp advice- getting up to speed

Looking to match a preamp/receiver to my vintage components.
Mainly listening to 60’s on up rock, progressive rock, pop, occasional classical pieces, classic jazz, bluegrass.

Luxman M-117 amp
ADS 1290 speakers
Oppo CD/DVD player
B&O Beogram turntable

The turntable will likely not be part of the setup. It will remain in another room with a Pioneer SX850 receiver, ADS 520’s, pinball machines and a lava lamp. So mostly streaming and CD’s once in a while. The M-117 is replacing a Denon PMA 900v.
I’ve been going down the rabbit hole on this one. Originally thinking a vintage piece. Yamaha C or CX series, Adcom, NAD, but lately thinking of a newer one.
It would have the benefit of 21st century features- streamer, DAC, Tuner, remote control, bluetooth, etc.
Perhaps a Marantz NR 2100 or something similar? Would a tube preamp with a separate DAC be a possibility?

I am not up to speed on newer components and how they do or don’t work with older pieces.
Don’t want to spend a fortune, but realize I have to invest a bit.

Any advice is much appreciated.Thanks

Showing 2 responses by russ69

"...I’m using a Denon 900v integrated..."

Not sure what your budget is but you need to move up a notch from the mass market stuff. It will be a big step up.