Pre Playback Wipedown

Just before I play a record, I use an AT brush to wipe off dust, if any. I also wet the brush with the AT634 fluid.


This preplay wipe down fluid is costly. I know it has a surfactant, alcohol water and some scent

Please advise on a simple and records safe pre-playback wipedown fluid I could make, preferably without the surfactant. Eg, X Parts alcohol (IPA?) to Y parts distilled water

My records have been ultrasonically cleaned and stored in good sleeves but I find that a moist preplayback wipedown is beneficial.

Thank you



Showing 1 response by slaw

OP, I too have US cleaned my records. I am liking using my handheld steamer to clean my brush ( distilled water) . This removes so much more dust than dry brushing. I've become obsessed with dust since I got a good tt light.