pre-amps for home theatre....whats your preference?

So I have bought all the speakers  that I wanted for home theatre during black friday sales.  Next is a pre-amp.  Looking for recommendations on which pre-amps are good/great that will mainly be used for movies.  Yamaha..Marantz..Arcam..Anthem...etc...are some better for music and some better for movies? Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by millercarbon

millercarbon has forever been on a crusade to kill multi-channel home theater. It's pretty much like a broken record.

And everyone else is on a crusade to buy buy buy more more more. Strangely enough when one after another says the answer is more and more stuff no one ever complains and insults them. Which is what that is. An insult. Not an argument. No intellectual content whatsoever. Just like its author.
Sad to say that's actually good advice. There are no HT anything that are good for music. Your best bet is to return all but two speakers and build a good stereo. Best possible sound for music and movies. Either that or... enjoy the T shirt.