Pre-amp recommendations for Bryston 4B SST

Hi Guys,

Have just bought the above Power Amp and currently use an Audiolab 8000S for the pre. I feel the pre-amp needs some upgrading to bring out the best in the Power Amp.

I listen to mainly dance music and don't require a phono-stage for it. Speakers are TDL RTL3's rewiried.

The obvious contender is the latest Bryston B25 but might there be others that I should be considering - what do the other Brsyton 4BSST listeners use?

Kind regards

The Audiolab 8000 is a great preamp (I had it just for its phono stage section), I would go for the Bryston preamp and maybe getting an equalizer since you listen to dance music.

Get the eq first and maybe you will be saving some cash.

If only digital sources are used, get a Benchmark DAC-1 and run it straight into the amp with the balanced outputs. Pure magic.