Pre Amp for Pass Labs X150.5


I am looking for a pre amp to partner my X150.5

Would the Audio Research SP16L pre be a good match with Pass Labs X150.5?

Or the Cary SLP-03 would be a better match?

Any comments are welcome.

Ever consider a Pass preamp? Whatever you choose, make sure the impedences match up because Pass amps typically are harder on the preamp to drive relative to other amplifiers.
Hi Bikerduud,

Thanks for the reply.

I always hear ppl say about impedance match up btw pre and power, esp for Pass power. Could you u pls kinldy enlighten me with some actual figures?

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i see pass labs amp has two inout impedance, 30 kohm and 20 kohm. Which one refers to balanced? Thanks
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Thanks for all replies. really appreciate it.

Anyone has any comments on the Jeff Rowland Capri? It fits my budget perfectly. Out impedance is also a good match: 80 ohms balanced & 40 ohms unbalanced.

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Hello, I'm running a pair of Pass Labs X600.5 monoblock amps, which, like your X150.5 amp, have an input impedance of 22kohms balanced, and a Pass labs X0.2 preamp. The output impedance of the Pass Labs XO.2 preamp is 200 ohms unbalanced & 750 ohms balanced. You could buy a Pass Labs X-1 preamp for around $2200 used or try the JR Capri preamp that everyone is talking about--(assuming the output impedance of the Capri matches). Also, depends on if you want to go solid state or tube. Sounds like you are leaning toward tubes. To narrow the playing field: First, make sure that the output impedance of your new preamp is a good match with your Pass amp. Second, try to determine if there would be a musical synergy between the two components. The second part is the harder (and fun) part. Good luck! Stan
besides the impedance matching, i read that the gain also plays a part. just don't know how, someone pls enlighten me.

the X150.5 has a gain of 30dB, say the pre has a output gain of 14 dB, what does this mean? what if the pre now has a gain of just 4 dB?

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just to make sure i get it right. X150.5 has gain of 30 dB and Balanced input impedance of 30,000 Ohm. say i have 2 pre:
A) Balance Output Impedance of 750 Ohm, Gain of 4 dB, every step in volume increment is 3 dB
B) Balance Output Impedance of 80 Ohm, Gain of 14 dB, every step in volume increment is 0.5 dB

Preamp B would give more control and play of the volume right? i.e. I could play my system late at night without getting too loud.

how does the output impedance affect the outcome?

Hello Driver, To my knowledge preamp output impedance doesn't effect volume. Matching of impedance just assures that the entire audio signal is passed. I looked up your X150.5's input impedance last night @ the Pass Labs website. According to Pass, your amp's balanced input impedance is 22 kohms, just like my X600.5 amps. The gain of my amps is also 30 dB. My Pass Labs X0.2 preamp has a gain of 12 dB balanced, while my old Audio Research Reference 3 preamp had a gain of 11.5 balanced. Both worked well with my system as far as volume goes. If a gain is very high, like a VTL 7.5 markI preamp which has a gain of 20 dB balanced, for example, then you can run into high volume problems no matter how low you set your preamp's volume. Also, with the VTL 7.5 markI, it would depend on an amps output and the amps gain, plus the sensitivity of speakers, etc. However, most preamps have a sensible gain and aren't as high as the VTL 7.5 markI. Hope this helped. Stan
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