Pre amp for Pass Aleph 3

Current or former owners of the Pass Labs Aleph 3 amp, please give me some idea of what pre amp you like and sounds good as well as mates well with the 3. I just picked one up and know it needs a pre amp with a bit of gain. No passives with this amp as noted in the Stereophile Class A review.

Im currently thinking of AA Modulus 3A, Cary SPL-50 or EA-3 DJH Sig. pre as well as an Audio Note M-One. Id like to have a MM phono stage...but not necessary. Price range used is ~1K.

Thanks for the ideas and thoughts,

Showing 2 responses by ad010685

In the past I used a DACT DIY based passive. Now Luminous audio shunted passivewith 4.99 ohm Caddock
I specifically found Aleph amps delicious with passive preamps.Of course impedance matching is extremely important but results are outstanding IMHO