
Discussions ad010685 has started

Ensamble virtuoso pre8341
Japanese interconnects house sound (Acrolink vs Acoustic Revive)39110
RCA to XLR adapter vs buy a balanced cable415412
Which tonearms just sit over the plinth surface?28815
Nagra BPS - battery powered phono stage47764
SCHEU Premier substitution1015721
Preamp selection for a high sensitivity amp ?39938
Preamp with intermitting Bzzz where to start?26083
Alternative after Soundlab. Horns? Heil Tweeters?72439
Weak point in this analog system ?831326
No enthusiasm over Rowland 112?19601
Cello Amati - any good?49333
Equalization done right, experiences?31128
Non overampling/no filter DAC's - Why few brands?25722
CD players/DAC spitting SSS reproduction28014