Praise for DacMagic

Just wanted to give some very positive feedback for the Cambridge Audio DacMagic DAC. It doesn't seem to get much attention around these forums, but I am enjoying it immensely. In my opion, terrific value for the money.

During the past few weeks, I have used it with great success both within a PC music server and 2-channel environments.

Who knows, I may end up switching it out for a better DAC in the future, but for now I am quite pleased.

As a side note, I was not impressed with it at first when used to enhance an NAD C541 CDP. On a whim, I switched out the NAD for a modest Sony DVD player that is around 5-7 years old. Then, everything came into place and the music was rich and detailed. The Sony DVD/DacMagic combination blew the doors off the NAD/DacMagic combination. Go figure...
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Showing 1 response by vidya46

I have been using the Dacmagic for 6 months now and the sound is amazing.The instruments are well laid out in the music I listen to.I didnt find any difference between Min,steep and linear.My setup is imac(itunes) to airport express to optical out into Dacmagic .My speakers are MA RS6.For 399 this is definitely a terrific performance DAC.Going from a budget onkyo receiver I am pretty happy with dacmagic