Powering up a SET amp after 6 months in storage

What precautions do I have to use in turning on my SET amp after it has been sitting unused for a number of months? I have heard the phrase "bring the amp back up slowly" in connection with tube amps and preamps, but I don't know exactly what that means, and if a tech guy has to do this for me. FYI, the amp has a mute switch in the back if that is any help. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by larryi

Six months is hardly a long time to be idle. I would just remove and reinsert the tubes (or better, clean the tube pins and the socket) to assure good contact and then power the amp up.

The concern with long-term storage has mostly to do with electrolytic caps that have begun to dry out. These can be brought back to life, but it is best done by slowly powering the caps up. But, this is a concern after years of storage.

Also, if your amp utilizes tube rectification, power naturally comes up a bit more slowly than with solid state rectification, so capacitors are given less of a sudden jolt.