powering two pairs of Dahlquist DQ10s

I just got a second set of Dahlquist DQ10 speakers and am wondering how to use them.

I have he first set mounted on a wall, powered by a van Alystne mod Double Dyna 400. Somebody suggested to me that I could use the second set on stands underneath the first and biamp them.

This is new territory for me. How exactly would this work? Is it also possible to power them both with the same amplifier?

Showing 1 response by rtilden

I had a nice pair of DQ-10s in the early-to-late 1980s and really liked them. About 1983, I installed the Randall Research modified crossover and drivers with nice results. With today's crossover components, wire and drivers, I would imagine that you could assemble a really nice pair.

Properly powering all four speakers with a single amp would be a tall order, to be sure. Get them away from all walls! not behind or on sides. Properly set up, they will image like crazy, with light, airy highs. I can only imagine how nice four would sound.....