Powered speakers show audiophiles are confused

17 of 23 speakers in my studio and home theater systems are internally powered. My studio system is all Genelec and sounds very accurate. I know the best new concert and studio speakers are internally powered there are great technical reasons to design a speaker and an amp synergistically, this concept is much more important to sound quality than the vibration systems we often buy. How can an audiophile justify a vibration system of any sort with this in mind.


Showing 8 responses by m-db

Jim, I left Encinitas yesterday afternoon. I'm banking on a stellar San Francisco Friday at Ocean Beach. I'm too old for that paddle out so I'll be there with the Nikon. With some forecasted juice and a slight offshore those sand bars can really spill.

You take care and have a nice holiday. 



["A political refugee from Souther California"]? It's easy to vote in California. Our vehicle emissions, women's rights and firearm regulations are slightly different here. Were you a liberal in Orange County or conservative in Topanga? Whatever, as a native Californian I'm thrilled that your decision to leave has made you happy. 

Wednesday the 23d it was a sunny 71, water is 63 with a glassy chest high swell at Swami's this morning. I rode the big Yater in my spring suit while the first snow blankets the Sierra. 

My audio mentor monitored his collection of modified microphones and preamps until his passing with those old green Koss 4AA's, repugnant of most studio setups. In demand for almost sixty years and three Grammies. For playback he liked his Duntech Senators, MFA and Wavestream electronics, Cardas and Canare cable in bulk most everything modified.  

Where would we be if everyone listened to one individuals notion of correct? After today's ProTools, plug in's and post production fidelity isn't exactly the goal it once was.

Today I'll think of you as I peel the cowboy sized potatoes for Thanksgiving dinner. Keep warm.

kota1, yours is an extensive system.

I'm confused by which components provide the analog stereo?


Oddly, I'm writing this from the parking lot of the Heinz St. Berkeley Bowl just across the street from Meyer Sound Labs.



So how do you protect the amplifier inside the speaker from the rear waves off the drivers. That rear wave is equal too the wave coming from the front of the speaker? 


Velodyne had long since incased a large portion of the plate components in silicone caulking. Of the five models I've owned since the ULD-18 the only failure I've experienced was with one of my DD Plus' remote control from a battery leak. My two DD-12 Plus have been auto on for the past eleven years.  

["you posted a picture of Titanic going down, I was there for 6 months in Mexico filming that monster. There was only one side of the ship made so every once in a while we would have a flipped day,"]

Interesting, I like the very brief scene where surf is breaking on the beach nearby.

Paradigm? It's not the electronics, simply move on. 


avatar:  https://www.stringvirtuoso.com/artists/lorraine-campet/

"[donavabdear.....Thank you for the link, I've mixed hundreds of orchestras and I always bump up the cello and bass, when I did that to me it always made everything else sound better just like a sub makes vocals better in a stereo system. In an orchestra the beautiful instruments are not the 1st violins but the low instruments. When mixing group vocals the big mistake is to over feature that star lead singer and not do most of the mixing of the lower range vocalists."]

I include the Lorraine Campet link as a fan. 

I've done a great deal of work in studios as a musician. Post production often takes such a toll on the original tacks that I lost interest in that side of the product long ago. Despite my proclivity, if your method satisfies the customer thats all that matters.


["kota1    he knew he should have used active speakers from the get go and got side tracked."]

Without having heard any powered speakers in my own system I don't trust my audible memory to make any worthwhile conclusions. On the other hand I have had a number of Paradigm speakers in my system. After a number of dealer suggested electronics substitutions my firm conclusion is for whatever reason their products, from the Studio and S series to the 9F, clearly have a coherence trait that is contrary to my subjective taste.

Within minutes of replacing the Paradigms, like a switch, not only did all the electronics substitutions work very well with the replacement speakers. My entire family noted, we went from listening to the system to listening to the music.

While the 9F's were a clear improvement they're still...