
I certainly have, personally, experienced the improvement power cords can make on amplifiers...how about their value on other items, such as preamps with external powersuppies, and phono preamps....I know better than to apply layperson logic, which doesn't always work in audio, but it would seem that items that draw less "juice" would be less prone to changes in power cords....thoughts welcomed, but experience more interesting to me.....thanks

Showing 1 response by soix

With the preponderance of reputable direct-selling cable manufacturers out there offering free in-home trials, why not just try it for yourself since you’re the only one who matters anyway? It’s gonna make a difference, but it’s system and equipment dependent so your situation will be unique. For example, interconnects between my components make a much bigger difference than speaker cables despite handling lower-level signals. Grab some TWL, Cullen, Audio Envy, etc. and let us know what you find.