
I certainly have, personally, experienced the improvement power cords can make on amplifiers...how about their value on other items, such as preamps with external powersuppies, and phono preamps....I know better than to apply layperson logic, which doesn't always work in audio, but it would seem that items that draw less "juice" would be less prone to changes in power cords....thoughts welcomed, but experience more interesting to me.....thanks

Showing 2 responses by cdamiller5

My equipment is the following:

Paradigm 3F
Rega Planar8
Mcintosh MD 1100 phono preamp 
Simaudio 740 preamp
Simaudio 760 ampSimaudio 780D streamer/Dac
Nordost Frey2 interconnects
Nordost TYR2 speaker cable 
I can say that I upgraded my whole system in Nordost Frey2 power cables along with a QX4 and QBase8 and it has made a significant difference in my sound. No question. 
I started with stock, went to Red Dawn and then graduated to Frey2. I don’t understand the argument against improving the power cables. If you don’t want to spend the money that is one thing. But trying to convince anyone that better power cables don’t work is a real losing argument. The balance between improvement and cost is an individuals choice. They work!