Power regenerator vs conditioner

If the goal is to improve the sound quality (soundstage, detail, dynamics, etc) and the issue is "noisy" AC, it would seem to me that a power regenerator such as PS Audio P15 would be far superior to a "conditioner" such as a Shunyata Denali or Hydra or Triton.  Is this correct?  Thanks .

Showing 1 response by kevinkoc64

I have a PS audio pp5 I purchased used which replaced a relatively cheap panamax. At first I actually liked the panamax better, the pp5 made the sound very bright even through it may have possibly had more detail to it I could not get past the brightness. After putting on a DIY power cord and replacing the fuse the sound was much better. And then after buying a counterfeit PS audio AC 12 cord on ebay that PS audio was nice enough to replace it with a genuine one at no cost! (who does that?) and installing a SR orange fuse it now sounds awesome. The pp5 has a multi wave feature which seems to make the sound more fuller and not as thin, it comes with a remote were you can turn it on and off from your listening position which makes it easier to hear the difference.