Power regeneration - good idea? PS audio?

Is the PS audio regenerator a good choice or are there others?




Showing 13 responses by jumia

Anybody use a Power conditioner from transparent like an opus? I don’t really have powerflo problems so maybe a regenerator it’s not a good idea. May be a conditioner is better. Most don’t really have problems with their electricity flow unless they live in a heavily shared Circuit situation. So need for a regenerator seems kind of unnecessary. An unimpeded conditioner would seem to be better.

PS audios Power regenerators use about $100 a year in electricity costs and are still on when you don’t use them. This seems really really absurd. So if I own one of these things over 10 years that’s about $1000 worth of energy costs which is grossly wasteful.

Additionally if you have adequate power supply why would plugging an amp into a PS 20 result in a better sounding amplifier?  If Power supply is all over the place yeah this makes sense.  So unless you have a power supply that's unpredictable which is quite rare in most of the USA than a power regenerator is a complete waste of money.

Is there that much of a difference between 117 V and 121 V coming through your system?

That's about what my variation is throughout the day

Wouldn’t amp perform better if connected to the regenerator? Also my preamp has a separate Power box so is there a value with the regenerator?

you know I gotta believe all the wonderful power supplies that already exist inside a higher level component no doubt do a lot of what the PS audio regenerator does. So at the end of it all what is the point of this PS audio regenerator? Are all these separate power supplies now pretty much irrelevant.

And these power regenerators apparently have amplifiers that act as amplifiers to amplifiers. Don’t existing amplifiers already have the capacity to deal with changes in audio dynamics, which I thought is a very important aspect of amplifier design.

Wouldn’t installing a simple Greenwave filter solve a lot of the issues??

Was thinking about buying a Greenwave EMI meter which might be interesting.

If I can achieve a very very low reading than why bother getting a PS 15.


Also since the P 15 is being used to re-create an electrical signal why would there be a need to attach it to the wall with a very expensive power cable?


Well this is all profoundly sad.

Unfortunately there appears to be no good rationale for spending $7500 for a P 15. Was really hoping it might help my home theater sound since the processors being made these days are of poor quality sonically.

Additionally to improve the flow of electricity via a regenerator to a quality amplifier in periods where there is a huge swing in electricity needs is ridiculous. Amps maintain Storage reserves just for this purpose.

I believe a conditioner has merit for use with a TV set where circuitry may benefit by hopefully softening a harsh electrical signal.



The P 15 at about 80 pounds is a beast. Add it to mono blocks, it's just too much real estate inside the room.  So I will revisit putting in a dedicated circuit.


Thanks for all your great comments

Relating to power storage within an amp if you’re voltage coming out of the outlet remain stable, even on very hot days, then I think the only concern is spikes in Power needs to handle Sonic changes therefore it would seem the capacitors within a well designed lamp can more than handle Power needs.

Therefore it would seem the needed power storage reserves of a power regenerator are unnecessary given a stable voltage supply.

I have trouble typing so I dictate and some of the letters may be a little bit off above



I am referring to the regenerator from PS audio not a power conditioner. Your reference to me being false is not accurate. If you have a stable voltage from your outlet you don’t need a source of addl power offered by the PS audio 15.

The PS audio 15 product offers unclear value to the consumer. The marketing materials are misleading. You don’t need an additional power source to supplement existing amplifier when power source is stable as most people have these days. PS 15 is very misleading when it says the PS 15 offers additional power when demands from the music require more power. This is a one of their primary selling points and it’s wrong.

Further they don’t discuss the benefit offered when you attach a high end power cable which is what they recommend. Upgraded power cable offers tremendous value and negates much of the need for regenerating AC current. Cheap courtesy cable they furnish clearly needs to be upgraded and when this happens your system will improve even without a PS 15.

It would seem the existence of large capacitors inside an amplifier would mitigate the impact of a voltage decline temporarily.

A Macintosh amp is loaded with capacitors so I don't see any problem with voltage changes