Power Line Pillow

Do any of you use Blue Circle's Power Line Pillow (noise hound - Model B86mkII)?

At what level would you state its effectiveness in improving the sound of an audio system based on the following scale? (I live in an apartment building which is fairly old and for the time being cannot afford a line conditioner)

1. outstandingly effective
2. very effective
3. moderately effective
4. mildly effective
5. not at all effective

Any further details would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by sugarbrie

Yes..Denman is on to something. Try various placements. I've found that I could alter the effect of the Noisehound(s) by changing what outlets were used.

This is definitely the case when plugging one into a conditioner. Some conditioner outlets (like the digital ones) are designed to issolate that component from the rest of the system. So if you plug a BC86 into an unused issolated outlet, the BC86 might not do much of anything, solely because you have just issolated the BC86 from the dirty power it is suppose to clean.

In general like Denman sais: some outlets the BC86 had no effect, and in others a large effect. So when I read posts where someone sais they don't do anything, I usually think they tried one plug and gave up.

The change is also more noticeable after you get use to the sound of your system, and then remove them. It is harder to notice the change when first plugging them in.
As in all things, personal taste matters more than anything. I find the BC86 removes unnatural grain and other noise from the sound that certainly makes the highs less. But it is less of a bad thing for my taste. To my ears the reduced noise improves "space" between instruments and the imaging.

Viggens comments are still just as valid as mine. Loose (Steve's) taste may be not be like mine either. Viggen may also be blessed with cleaner power, or has gear that has some built in filtering in the power supply. The Blue Circle BC3 Galatea Preamp basically has a power pillow built in.

If you are unsure whether to dish out $100 for a BC86 (two are better), then try to borrow some. I personally am not afraid to resell something I don't like. The small loss is worth the convenience of trying something at home in my system.

There is also the similar Audio Prism things for $25 each. I find they work better sharpening a video image, than improving audio. You really need to buy 4, which is about the same performance as one BC86. The one advantage is you can spread them around the house/apartment to more outlets.

From personal experience I find many audiophile systems have highs not usually present in a live setting. I have friends who swear their systems sound like live music; but I know for a fact they have not attended a live music concert in 5 years or more. So how do they really know? For me I hear anywhere from 2.5 to 10 hours a week of live music of the type I play at home.