Power isolator versus need for a better Power supply

I have a transparent power isolator, and a component with a Wall wart power supply.

If I plug the wall wart into the power isolator, does this precluding need to replace the wall wart for a better Power supply (ie. Ifi, etc). Doesn’t Power isolator clean things up before electricity arrives at the Wall wart?

I asked this question and didn't get a very good answer from the dealer that would be selling me a Power supply to replace the wall wart assuming I need to do it



Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

I owned a Sim Moon 650D DAC/CD player ($8.5K) and after a couple years added their separate power supply 820 ($8.5K)… to me totally worth it. The new power supply replaced the internal one. I quieted the output, enhanced resolution, improved sound stage. But each decision has to be made on an individual basis.

If your component has a wall wart power supply… then perhaps trading in and upgrading the unit might be more cost effective. 

A few years later I replaced both with a single $17K unit. Huge upgrade… but completely different sound and the right move for me then.

We really need more info. Most useful would be to show your system under your user ID. That gives us lots of info… and you don’t need to repeat it in every thread.


In general, the power supply is a major factor in the sound quality of a component. Most of my components have at huge, heavy, internal components dedicated to power. So, the short answer Is that plugging into a power isolator will not replace a better power supply. 

Most likely a vastly better power supply will improve the sound significantly. But it is subject to the quality and resolution of your components and the rest of your system.