Power for two subs.


I’m thinking of adding two subwoofers and of course both require power. 

I have duplex outlet with one outlet used for my amplifier. 
That leaves only one outlet for two subs. Will a generic power strip suffice?

Do I need to purchase a conditioner? I really do not want to spend more than $350.00 if that. 



Showing 1 response by ned1000

we added a whole house surge protector ! i did have a big tv fried some years ago fr lightning strike ! it was spectacular !  YES it CAN happen! ( luckily i extended the warranty and reported it the NEXT day ! ) 
good advice yes you can find what you need w/ out spending a lot ! 

this one has 8 outlets and is only $69 add a couple simple L brackets you could mount it anywhere!  a chi-com bargain! 
 Furman M-8X2 Merit Series 8 Outlet Power Conditioner and Surge Protector