Power Cords on a $1000 budget what would you do?

I am still running stock factory cords and am looking to upgrade. My wife has a very limited patience level when it comes to swapping in and out multiple iterations I am enlisting your help to point me in the right direction. I have 3 power cords to buy. A 6ft length for my power amp. A 3-4 ft cord for my pre-amp and CD/DVD player. My system is outlined below. What I'm interested in knowing is if you had $1000 to spend on 3 power cords, how would you spend it and which cord would go on which componant?

My system is as follows:
Speakers: Proac Studio 200
Center: Proac CC2
Surrounds: Definitive BPZ/A in-walls
Sub: Sunfire Architectural Signature
CD: Denon 2910 (3-4ft)
Processor: Rotel 1066 (3-4ft)
Amp: Rotel 1095 (5-6 ft)
Power Center: Monster 3600 (3 ft)
Tuner: Sansui TU717 (3 ft)
I/C's Pure Note Paragon (Silver) throughout
Cables Pure Note Paragon (Silver) Bi-wire

What would you recommend for me getting started to hear the biggest positive impact? I have worked my way through combinations of Acoustic Zen Hologram and Matrix ref 2 I/C, through PS Audio Statement, and lastly Pure
Note Signature speaker cables. I have found the Paragons satisfying. I have my HT set up on a dedicated 20A circuit with the red hospital grade Hubbel wall outlets. I didn't install the real high priced wattgate,oyaide, etc...

Showing 4 responses by sempaul

Some are suggesting I spend the money on either upgrading my CD player and/or amp. Any suggestions on which players and amps give the best bang for buck?

Otherwise - VH Audio, Virtual Dynamics, and Purist audio appear to be the way to go. What about Shunyata Taipan for my amp and the vx version for my Denon?
Well gang. I've decided to try a VH Flavor 4 w/gold furutechs for my amp (figure the 9 ga conductors will satisy current draw well). VH Flavor 1 with Rhodium Furutech for my DVD and Flavor 1 with Gold Furutech (figure 12 ga is plenty of conductor for source gear). Buying as demo cords from Chris at VH. I have enough left over to seriously consider dumping my Monster 3600 and replacing it with a Richard Gray 400 Pro.
I've been able to detect improved punch with my amp when plugged directly into the wall vs thru the Monster yet am a little nervous having a $2k amp one lightning strike away from being fried. My understanding is the Richard Gray units have surge protection but also store additional energy.

Anyone out there care to comment?
It's a year later. I have managed to upgrade my system in places:
Denon 3910 in place of the 2910.
McCormack DNA-1 deluxe as my main amp (still using the 1095 for surrounds, center channel, and 2nd room inwalls)
BPT Signature 3.5 in place of the Monster 3600
Neotech OCC Silver I/C's (huge improvement)
All VH Flavor 4 w/ Gold Furutechs.

With each change I have noticed increased width and depth to the soundfield. I also now have a truly tunefull bass extension and a very full natural presence in the highs and mids.