Power cord = steroids for a component--

The reason I used this steroids term is borrowed from member "Chuck".(in that) We both had CJ 8's and both switched to CJ' ss 350.Thus the 350 ss amp is like the 8a on steroids. (His term and I agree.)
Now we come to the "cable/power cord" part of this.
I just got a VD Master 2.0 cord for my AA Prestige se. (Installed this Monday.)--AA Prestige se on steroids is my best description. Before this cord I was using the original Shunyata King Cobra. I doubt I am exaggerating; I know steroids when I hear them.
Further, it's not like I'm saying somebody elses cord wouldn't yeild a similar result.--
Anybody else use this cord w/ a similar result?---OR--- What cord gave you a similar result?
Speakers are Wilson Soph. 2's-- IC's are SR, active x.--Speak. wire their 3.0--(VD). Audience conditioner--Amp direct from the wall.

Showing 1 response by clio09

You want a PC on steroids? See if you can find an original FIM/CRL Gold PC (not the new ones out there). For that matter even the FIM/CRL Silver packs some punch. These are high current, heavy gauge solid core copper that have excellent frequency extension. The Gold series goes very deep. You think the VD cables are hard to bend, these cables are right there with them.

I've had the VD Nite II and Master PCs in my system and would have to agree with John on the immediacy aspect of these cables. Too in your face for me overall (although the Nite II is one of my favorite cables). Not sure I agree with John on the decay thing though.

After VD I went with Stealth Dream and M5000 on my transport and DAC. Great cables and lived up to their hype. They are smoother, quieter, and more balanced than VD IMO. However, now I am using the Tel Wire cables. The Tel Wire IMO matches the M5000 and is not that far behind the Dream to justify the $1000 plus price difference. The only thing about the Tel Wire is I would not consider them to be a cable on steroids. They are not laid back, just well balanced IMO.