Power Cord Recommendation

I'm looking for power cord recommendations in the $300 (1 meter) price range for a single ended 5 watt 2 channel power amp. Anybody have any experience with this? Currently using a Pangea AC9  & would like to upgrade.  

Showing 1 response by whitestix

I have had a bunch of modestly-priced PC over the years, including several from Pangea and Signal Cable in my fairly high-end system, and none of them made a wit's worth of improvement in the sound of my system.  However, recently I bought a Shunyata Venon 3 PC for $100 and a Silnote PC for $120 and both were a very worthy improvement in the sound of my system.  I also bought the Cerious Technologies Graphene Express PC for $350 and it is even better than the Shunyata and Silnote PC's.  I will say that with all three PC in mentioned that the improvement in sound was immediately apparent when they were swapped into my rig...  the improvement was clear as a bell from the get-go.  I scoffed at the notion of PC for years, but I am now a complete devotee.  All these PC can be auditioned with 30-day return policy.