Power cord...Quadlink 5 vs Twinlink


Have you owned these two power cables. If yes can you share what differences do they offer? Thanks,

I own the Quadlink, use it on my cdp and I think it offers warm, controlled bass and stronger sound as opposed to stock cable.

Showing 3 responses by midfi

Thanks for the info.

I own the Quadlink and I am wondering if adding another Quadlink would be too much of a good thing. Therefore, I want know if the twinlink has similar signature of the Quadlink but offers a little less warm.

I try both the Quadlink & Twinlink on my CDP and here is

1. The Quadlink has strong sound, which may work well with layback sound CDP.

2. The Twinlink sounds similar to the Quadlink from the bottom to mid range; however, treble is a bit polite. This cable works well with CDP that has a bit of excessive high or bright system.

I like them both. They beat stock cord nicely.