Power cord heiarchy

Which power cord is the most important, or alternatively which PC position makes the greatest difference in your system? Here are your choices:

1. wall outlet to plc
2. plc to source (CDP/dac)
3. plc to preamp
4. plc to power amp

Showing 1 response by richard_stacy

really...again? i can understand (sort of) that some folks are unable to hear the, what i perceive as significant, impact of power cords but what i do not understand is the need to constantly post in threads where others are exploring how they can best utilize the impact they do hear. that was not intended to be such a long sentence, happens sometimes.

to answer the op's question, depends. not what you want to hear i know. it really does depend on the cord, the gear and how it all interacts. it can really screw things up or really tie it all together so, for me, it takes a bunch of messing around. i still am struggling with finding the right balance/combination. i am starting to lean towards using all of the same cords which seems to be the right synergy for me.
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