Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,

Showing 27 responses by rwwear

I also meant to say the power cord was for my Krell FPB600c. Which I sold to get the 350mc's.
I agree with Jeff. The idea that power cords can affect sound quality is simply ridiculous as long as they are of adequate size. A removable power cord simply makes components easier to package and install.
I wish it were true but there is no way a power cord of proper size can alter an electrical signal before it enters an amplifier or component unless it uses some sort of filter. Then it would be a power conditioner instead. You can believe if you want and you will but it won't make it true. You can listen back and forth for hours, days and months and you will convince yourself it's true but it still won't be. The only way you will ever be able to prove to yourself it's not true is to do a double blind test and you won't do that because you are afraid of the truth. You cannot break the laws of physics even with six to eight feet of magic wire.
I have been in audio for approximately 42 years. I've been in the audio business for 30 years give or take. No, I have not taken notes all these years but I have listened and so have at least 5 of my friends and we've all come to my aforementioned conclusion. There are some that believe I must admit. This will always be a controversy no matter what is said.
Who are you to tell me what to do Lissnr? If you say you can hear a difference that's fine. I don't have to prove you can't. It's like proving God doesn't exist. No one can.

There's no sour grapes here. You seem to be the one who's getting angry. I and everyone else in the audio business have cables given to them all of the time to try and we usually get to keep them. I have drawers full of them. I can use whatever I choose mostly for free. So why would there be sour grapes?
Sometimes it just happens to be true the emperor is wearing no clothes. It's not my job to prove there is no difference between cables. There is a very small minority that believes so in the world. Audiophiles just happen to live in Bizzaro Land where if it's logical it can't be true. Like a religion it has been hammered into you by preachers of Audiophilia and cable sellers. You have to pay tithes to reach sonic nirvana. All the while someone is laughing all the way to the bank. Are you running to the bank to put money in or take it out?
What are you Lissnr some sort of far left zealot who gets mad because someone disagrees with them? What are you going to do next threaten my life or burn my house down?

If these differences are so great, anyone could hear them but they can't. Since we've had about 30 years of improvements in cable design supposedly, go back and listen to a power cord from back then. It would be so inferior that you couldn't stand to listen with it in your system. A nearly deaf person would be shocked at the difference in quality. Recordings made with wire from the old days would be unlistenable.

I have a friend who claimed he could hear cables too. It was funny to me and others that he couldn't hear when one of the channels was out in his preamp. I also know people who agree they can hear improvements when they can't just so they won't be ostracized by the audiophile community. I've actually had Audiogoners email me and call me to say they agree with me but are afraid to post their beliefs. I bet there are people around you doing the same. Well I'm not afraid to say it. Don't get mad. Next you'll be telling me spraying CD's with Armorall will improve their sound. Or putting a clock in the room will help. And maybe a piece of tissue under one corner of the speakers will make huge improvements.

You are right about one thing, in the small minority that is the audiophile community cables are a multi-million dollar industry. Just like some religions, they will always be there raking in the money and spreading hate to non followers.

We could argue this point forever and I don't mind. But when we get angry it's not worth it. This forum is supposed to be for enlightenment and fun.
All people hear an improvement the second time they listen to a piece of music. And just because someone tells you something sounds better doesn't mean they really believe it. I know a lot of people who agree so others won't think they can't hear.
One thing I don't recommend is demagnetizing a cartridge. This can eventually have an adverse effect on the magnet.
Lamp cord can be and often is larger than 18 gauge. Your expensive power cord probably has lamp cord inside or equivalent with a fancy wrapper.
As far as preaching what others can hear or not goes it's not my job to prove you can't hear the difference it's your job to prove you can. I have tried it as well as many others with even higher end systems than me and none of us are convinced. When a friend of mine had another friend who is a power cord builder install his PC in his system my friend told the PC manufacturer he could hear an improvement with the new cord. He later told me he really couldn't but didn't want to "tell the emperor he had no clothes"
You could start a new religion Lissnr. But I suppose someone has already beaten you to it.
Isn't this the way all religions start? First create a myth and attract a few followers. Then spread the myth until it becomes popular and raise money to continue the myth. The preachers make the big money. The more the myth spreads the more the preachers make.
We don't want to default to reason that would save us all a lot of money. I'm just amazed you have nerve to call anyone arrogant Lissnr. You seem to think your opinion is law and we can't have one if it doesn't coincide with yours. I wondered how long it would take for you to say my system must not be very resolving or I can't hear.

If audiophiles trusted their own ears we wouldn't have this forum.
I guess audiophilia is a serious business and no one is allowed to joke about anything. Well excuse me if you don't like what I have to say don't my posts.
I am not a bully and I have the right to voice my opinion without being bullied. The fact that I am standing up to the hoards of believers on this site should make a thinking person take note. It's easy for you with all of your supporters behind you to scoff at me but you have no standing outside the walls you are hiding behind here.

If I may reiterate for the folks who can't remember as far back as my earlier posts, I have tried high end power cords. I worked for a company that made them. I am in the audio business and have been for over 25 years. I rarely have to pay for any cables. The companies give them to you just to try them. I have two large drawers full of them.

You may actually think you can hear a difference with your so called high end cables but I don't believe you can and I have never met anyone else that could either. I think you believe you can hear differences which is fine because that's all that matters to you. But I don't want to see others waste money for audio products that don't really do anything. If someone asks an opinion about something I am qualified to answer I have the right to respond if I want just as you do, without getting nasty as you have.

I do not believe in magic and that is the only way a power cable of correct size can change the way a component sounds. You are asking, no demanding that I believe a power cord can someway do something to the electrical signal coming from the wall to improve it. How can it? What does it do? Speed it up, slow it down, increase it, decrease it, purify it some way. A power conditioner can filter out unwanted noise from the service but for a power cord to do that it would not be a power cord, it would be a conditioner and require much more than fancy wire inside. And I bet most of the high end cables out there are merely off the shelf wire that everyone else uses.
I ran dedicated 10 gauge wiring and a used hospital grade Hubbel receptacle for my sound system. I also made my own 18" power cord out of 10 gauge stranded wire.
What's really scary is how many were imprisoned and tortured because they didn't believe the world was flat or that the earth revolved around the sun or didn't believe in the right god.
As a statistician friend of mine said, "In God we trust, everyone else must provide data".
I'd still want to see his credentials.
I have absolutely no problem with you believing what you want Lacee. I do have a problem being vilified because I don't.
But the burden of proof has to be on the person making the claim. If not anything could be true just because a few people say so.
Look at it from this point of view. There are thousands of religions in the world. If you believe in one all the others have to be wrong. There may be millions of people that think each one is the only one and they have proof and you are an idiot because you don't believe. You can't prove any of them are wrong. I can't prove the Easter Bunny doesn't exist but I am very doubtful. There must be some audio tweek you don't believe. Try and prove it's not true. So, my point is; the burden of proof has to be on the individual making the claim. So much in the audio world is driven by perception. How many times have you heard silver wire is brighter sounding than copper?
Unless you do true blind testing your claim can't be proven to me. Blind testing means you have to be able to choose the better power cord over 70 percent of the time without knowing which is connected. Try at least 10 times. True blind testing really means the person changing the PC shouldn't know either. But that's too difficult, so you not knowing is enough for me as long as there no visual or auditory .