Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????


Showing 14 responses by stevemj

Gmorris - I was trying to explain that cables are AC and, therefore, can not have a prefered direction, regardless of any law imaginable.

My qualification is that my IQ is above 80 (barely, or I wouldn't be wasting my time on this moronic topic).
There is no conceivable way that a power cord can affect the sound of your amp. All it has to do is be big enough to handle the power. If someone disagrees with this ask them for a scientific explanation.
leaf - I will leave chastened and humbled if you will merely grace me and any other interested reader with your understanding of effect of power cords on the fidelity of amplifiers. I am particularly interested in hearing you explain the theory and principles which cause this phenomenon. No hand waving, please. Give me real analysis.
Listen guys, you are just not thinking. The power cord, as far as the amp is concerned, is part of the house wiring. The house wiring is connected to the pole pig. From there it goes to the substation. From there it may go to directly to a dam or gas turbine. There is lots and lots of ordinary wire between you and where the power is generated. Hundreds of miles. So, even if your fancy 6 or 8 ft wire were better, which it isn't, what good would 8 ft of special wire out of several hundred miles do? Nobody here has the foggiest idea how fancy line cord can make an improvement. Nobody is going to provide any evidence at all for why expensive line cord improves performance. And the reason is that there is no possible way for line cord to do anything except lighten your pocket books and send the marketing people who cook this kind of sucker product home laughing.

What you should learn from the fact that one cord sound diffrent to you than another is not that there is difference in line cords.
Jaykapur - They do not and cannot act as filters. They can be shielded, this is true. However, you have shielding on you phono cables and the amount of radiation from line cords is nothing compared to the power amp's transformer. The whole house is filled with radiating wire and it's not a problem. This cord stuff is, honesty, a scam.
Kevperro - Some of what you say is true. A larger gauge line cord will reduce the voltage drop and thereby increase the maximum RMS power of an amplifier. On the other hand a larger line cord because of its lower resistance will have a higher rate of change of current vs. time. Faster rate of change means more EMI. (If there is anyone out there who knows anything about electricity, well, my appologies)

Now, for the really misleading aspect of your post. You failed to mention that an amplifier playing music at full tilt (occasional clipping) is delivering 5 to 10 times less that its rated power. This trashes all your calculations by 5 to 10 times. Since max power is a function of the square of the voltage, a power lost calulation would be off by 25 to 100 times.

I have no idea whether you were simply unaware the average to peak power requirements of music or if you were being deliberately inaccurate. I do suggest that before you invoke the possible effects of the great unknown that you first come to grips with the simple stuff.
Ontario - This is the proof that much psychology is involved......."seems that what ever u do in high end audio it affects the sound, ie@ audio point, racks,sorbane feet, mipingo dots, tube dampers, red rollers , audioquest rf stoppers the list is endless."...... Try listening with the car in the garage and the car out of the garage, you may hear a difference.
Kevperro - You have a point. After having been called a whore a pimp and accused of jerking off while writing my posts, I haven't much concern for the sensibilities of of folks here. I should because most here are not like that.

At first I was naive and thought that common sense would have some effect. However, the experience of thinking that you have heard some change even tho there is no scientific reason for it is so attractive to many that reason can't compete.

I have asked a few of my most knowlegable engineering friends to contribute, but the stuff discussed here is so wildly farfetched that they won't touch it.

Anyway, I was hoping that some who read but don't post might be saved some money. And, having been a partner in a company that manufactured highend gear myself, I find that I resent the manufactures who are making money selling and promoting these hoaxes.

You realize that manufactures who know better can't say anything because they will lose the business of the people who think that "everything makes a difference". I came here to buy some B&W speakers. I've done that so probably won't be around much anymore.
Kevperro - Psychology is real. Check out my little story in a post to sean on the Science or Psychology thread. It's a true story.
No money - How do your phono cables sound when you point the arrows in the wrong direction? Try it out.
No money - Audio is AC. Your interconect cables carry only AC. If there is anything but AC on your cables then something is defective. Now, in order to cary AC your cables have to do just as good a job when electrons go from the cd player to the preamp as when the electrons go from the preamp to the cd player. If the electrons are treated differently by the cable based on which direction they are going, it would make a terrible mess of the signal. So, if you have ever heard a difference based on which direction your cables arrows were pointing, you can be certain it was your imagination.
onterio - I'm not claiming to be an expert on much. I know there are many here who know much more than I about many aspects of audio. I have only commenting on simple things - line cords, arrows on IC's, outlets, cable conditioners. Items that cause the engineers that design the gear everyone uses to break out in howls of laughter.
No money - With only the tiniest bit of knowledge about electricity you could understand the impossibility of what you have claimed. This would make you a smarter listener.

I think many here prefer ignorance so they can maintain the egotistical believe that they can hear things that baffle the best scientific and engineering minds of our age.