Power Cord For Audio Research gear

Hi folks........I just purchased an Audio Research LS25 and PH3 SE......any suggestions from you all as to the best power cord for them????


Showing 4 responses by gmorris

I also own the LS25. I have had excellent results with the NBS (Monitor IV or Mine/Serpent II) and the Powersnakes Sidewinder, which are all affordable and "juices" up the performance of the LS25. However, The most significant tweak for the LS25 would be to replace the stock 6922 with NOS 6922 such as the 6H23 from Upscale Audio.) These tube make the LS25 sound like a much more robust and dynamic preap with

Stevemj: I suppose the world is still flat, because you have not traveled around it.
No money:

You should work for the State Department, so diplomatic.
Obviously, stevemj has an "axe to grind" and is not interested in any opinion but his own. It is to his detrement that he is so closed minded about an issue that can be easily resolved by simply listening to diferent cables in his system. Does he have a stereo system?
It is not simply AC vs DC and Ohm's law as you are suggesting. The energy transport from source to sink is vey complex. There are no exact models.
I think that you have added to the old adage: " a little knowledge can sometimes be dangerous."

What is your qualification in terms of your technical background?

I use to be a "techno freak" until I realized that measurements cannot predict exactly how a component will sound/perform in a system.

Why don't you experiment with different cables in your system, instead of "shooting in the breeze."

Cables are not AC. A Cable is a medium which allows the transport of both AC and DC. Since you are so "picky" you should be more precise in your statements.
I see you have found an audio "soul mate" in 70242.241.
I suppose it takes someone who is resistant to actually listening to identify themselve as a number.