Power Cord comparsion

Has anyone compared these brands of power cord (ElectraGlide "FatBoy 24K Gold" vs Shunyata King Cobra or JPS Kaptovator or FIM Gold or NBS or CPCC model TopgunHC) and made any conclusion?

Showing 3 responses by wenyang

It was not modified, the Levinson 336 was custom ordered. The 20A-iec gives no advantage if you are running 15A/ 125V lines. So wake up.
I am enjoying the results from my whale elite > the last few weeks. I also have a pair of vipers and > like you a pair of eel references. Both the eels and > the vipers are similar in a lot of ways. Both have > excellent detailed and very quick in the treble. > It's > a toss up of the vipers and eels. But the eels were > about a third of the price so they are the better > deal. The equipment I have is all Levinson. 336 amp, > 26s preamp and a 30.5 and 31.5 digital set up. I am > driving a pr of Thiel 5i's. I bought my entire > system > second hand except for the eels and vipers. > When I received the whale elite and took it out the > cable is huge. But like BMI the manufacturer said it's user > friendly > and twists/flex on both ends. I was using the eels > on > my digital and the vipers on the amps. I keep > changing > to see what I like is better. I put the whale on my > Levinson 336 amp and put in some big band and > classical tracks. WOW the whale works great. > Everything was a bigger and wider sound stage. The > whale gives you more depth, deeper bass and > resolution. > I am very impressed with this whale and every night > that I've listened to it, the music sounds more open > and lively. I am continuing to break in the whale on > my amp and then going to move it around to the > different components. If the music sounds this good > , > I wonder what improvements if I get a few more. I > will > be getting another whale soon and put it on my dac. > In > the meantime I am enjoying this one. > > For anybody on the market for an incredible power cable for the money, I would start off with one whale and hear > the > improvements and move it around the system like what > I > am doing. The build from there and listen to the > improvemnts. Hope this helps you out. > Cheers-Will > > > > >
Krocdoc??? What are your assumptions??? Levinson had customized my 336 amp at my request.