Power Conditioners to reduce Sibilance

I moved my system into a new home and was having problems with treble brightness and sibilance. I moved the speakers around and got rid of most of my troubles. I then upgraded to a more revealing preamp with money that I saved up and the problem returned (despite sonic improvements in other areas). I have read that power conditioners are great for reducing sibilance. Is this actually the case. What would you suggest for under $500US used?

Showing 4 responses by adamg

Thanks for all the replys. My room is actually an acoustic nightmare and am looking to add some canvas prints to tame things down a little. I have fiddled with toe-in but not to the point where they cross in front of the sweet spot so I shall also give that I try. I was actually looking to purchase a RGPG 400 but I will hold off to see if I can alleviate the problem by focusing on the room. Thanks again.
The reason why I had originally thought of power conditioners as a solution was due to the fact that I entered 'sibilance' as a audiogon search item. A number of threads alluded to poor AC as a generator of this problem and I started this to read more into the topic. Thanks.
Thanks again for all your responses. I toed-in the speakers such that they cross before the sweet spot and much of the brightness and sibilance have been reduced but not eliminated. I have plans to add some canvas prints behind the speakers in order to reduce the wall reflections. A RGPC power conditioner is something that I will look into purchasing in the future but clearly the room and the speaker placement was the large source of my problems. As far as changing cables and ICs, I use mostly XLO ultra and signature which are expensive for those who are still recieving education and I would prefer not to experiment with new cables. This is my 3rd pair of B&W speakers as a result of my dealers trade-up program and I definitely enjoy their sound. Nevertheless, the metal dome tweeters can interfere with the sound of the music by being overly bright and forward and require a great deal of attention in order to tame them. Once again, I appreciate all of the feedback as this was the first thread I have attempted on this site. Given the useful information I have recieved I will continue to use this as a resource in the future.

The bi-wire suggestion has come up in comments regarding my system and is now something I am considering. I use XLO ultra 6 and the bi-wire version (XLO ultra 12) sells for $50/foot in Canada. I may have to look into it but that is a little steep for my student budget.