Power Conditioners

What are the disadvantages of a power conditioner that has current limitations as opposed from one that is not current limiting?
And if the current limiting power conditioner is balanced, would this istill make a difference?

Showing 3 responses by theaudiotweak

Hello John and Warren..Conditioners, all that I have tried have all made it worse.My home is 35 feet from the main transformer in the neighborhood and my breakout box in in the same room as my system. Maybe that is the reason that conditioners have only changed the texture of my hair and not my hearing.Tom
Hello John.. I to am a dealer of Starsound products and have been using many of their devices for over 10 years.Yes I am committed to the implementation of resonance transfer thru out my system, externally as well as to the internals of each and every piece of equipment as well as my room treatments and their boundary. As to the power conditioner issues, I have not encountered any that I liked. I stopped looking/listening sometime ago, good or great ones may indeed exist. The word filtered really bothers me. I see filtered in my mind as if it were like the word damped as in sorbathane or sand or lead or rubber bushings, materials when used in my audio experience are non musical. To me pure power would consist of a device or materials or physics that would give greater direction and focus to the transmission of electrons..one that is more orderly and less random or confused. You as well as I, know that resonant energy(vibration) can be more correctly focused, and the resulting benefits. I could see the same concept applied to the transfer of electricity..with the resulting increases in efficiency,focused yet unfiltered. I don't know how to do it but I wish I could.Tom
Jeff I realilze a cap is a filter an inductor is a filter. I also know that by removing some ferrite filters in a big name brand "power conditioner" you can restore much of the soundstage size and dimension that such parts reduce. There are many techniques that I would apply right now to the power grid in my front yard if I were the only household hooked to this particular transformer. Tom