Power conditioner or not?

I am confused! Per Naim's recommendations, no power conditioner needed. I have a Naim system, what do you think?

Showing 3 responses by audiofeil

Every system is different. Therefore power conditioning requirements, by defintion, are unique to each system.

No one product can possibly be ideal for everybody despite some amateur thoughts here on the subject.

There's a reason for the dozens of makes and models currently available.
Power conditioning, as stated earlier and accurately, is system dependent and there are many products available which serve the many requirements of the audiophile.

To believe that capitalism, rather than necessity, is the genesis for all of the products on the market is simply naive and shows a complete lack of understanding regarding power delivery.

A combination of conditioning and cables that works well in one system could be totally dysfunctional in another. Only an inexperienced amateur would deny it.

In closing one not need to spend $20K to achieve reference level sonics. None of my display systems' cabling total approaches that number but all will smoke the system referenced here.

It's about matching components not pouring money into a cable black hole.

I hope that helps.
Let's have a show of hands folks.

Everybody who believes that only one power conditioner works in all systems and/or that power conditioning is a scam and a money making scheme by the manufacturers raise their hands. Also, and as long as we're at it, how many like Dave, believe there are 2 (he's mentioned both repeatedly) and only 2 cable manufacturers whose products work best in every system? Guaranteed by the way. Raise your hands.

OK fine.
My position is power conditioning requirements are unique to every system. The type and efficacy is determined by the combination of components, of which there are thousands of possibilities, the room itself, and the listening preferences of the user. This is very difficult to argue given the number of satisfied audiophiles. Do you know 2 people who have exactly the same system? Not likely because we all have a different combination of products which pleases us. Show of hands on this position please.

On one hand you have a very emotional and narrow minded view of the subject that an amateur has taken and on the other a rational and sensible view based on 46+ years of experience/business, knowledge, and empirical support.

Read the posts from the members holding techical degrees and/or those who work in businesses where electrical theory is germane in the work. Read the white papers of the power conditioning equipment designed by manufacturers with physics, electrical engineering, and other advanced degrees. It's not snake oil boys and girls.

So put personalities aside and ask yourself which position makes more sense.

Comments please.