Power conditioner for amps

I recently picked up an Adcom ACE-515 (power conditioner with timed switching for pre/source and amp products) from a fellow Audiogon member, and while it seems to work fine, I have noticed that it tends to get quite hot and will trip the circuit breaker if I run my system fairly loud for any period of time (which I do like to do on occasion). For the record, the amps that I am running through this are two GFA-555II's (bridged mono) and a GFA-2535 (which is really two GFA-535's in one chassis).

My concern is that I am running too many amps through the ACE-515. So, I called my dealer about possibly upgrading to a larger unit. But his advice was that I should be running my amps straight out of the wall outlet, and not through any type of conditioner. He said that the ACE-515 was great to use on source and preamp gear, but that it would limit the current getting to my amps and that they would sound better with nothing between them and the wall outlet. I asked him what about spikes, surges, etc. His reply was that amps are not as susceptible to damage from such things, and that I shouldn't worry about it.

What are y'alls thoughts on this topic? Should I just plug my amps straight into the outlet, or should I get a larger power conditioner? I do like the staggered power on, power off that the ACE-515 provides.


Showing 2 responses by gmood1

Well Tom I'am using a Adcom 585LE thru a power conditioner.I have no problems with a lack of power.It doesn't seem to constrict anything.Even when running the maggies hard this amp is no warmer than it is at idle. I also like the staggered on and off switch. All I can say is plug them up and see.I noticed in my house I got a bad ground loop hum with several high current amps plugged up at the same time. If it doesn't work for you buy the conditioner.Or if you can put in some dedicated outlets for those amps.

Happy Listening!
Tom I use a Monster Power HTS 2600.It has the staggered switching like the one your using.I would like to get the AVS 2000,which keeps the currrent steady at 120 volts.I've heard these do wonders for systems.Since nothing is starved of power the equipment can draw what it needs .