Power Conditioner for Amps.

hello every one,
after searching from the posts here on audiogon,seem like most of the suggestions are plug the amp straight into the wall.the question is..how am i suppose to protect my amp from a power surge if it go directly into the outlet?what about the front end(pre,CD,TT)should i get a monster surge/power condition for it?please help.

Showing 1 response by boa2

I have plugged a number of amps that I've owned into a variety of power conditioners, and each time, I found the sound to be veiled, and less dynamic. We are now paying $6/month to the local utility company for having installed surge protection on the entire house. I have not noticed a change in the sound, AND they are covering $50K in potential damage to components/computers/etc.
So that's one option, if your utility provider offers it.
All the best,